lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

Interview: Jose Manuel Olmedo Gamero

Hello followers!!
Here we are with my father Jose Manuel Olmedo Gamero, that is a national athletics coach and a pharmacist.

1. Who have you trained?

Well... I have trained some important people such as Jose Luis Cardoso, who was in the moto gp or Soledad Becerril, who was Seville's president. 

2. How did you obtain the title of the person who creates the menus in the atlethics world championship in the 1999´s?

 There were some factors that influde. First of all, I worked in Virgen del Rocío looking if the food was good, I was an expert in alimentation and I was a member of the Andalusian Federation of Atlethics and the vice-president of the Seville Federation of Atlethics.

3. Why did you choose pharmacist and not another profession?

Because this was the profession that has the highest number of subjects I liked.

4. In what are you working nowadays?

I am the responsable of the kitchen, the cleaning, the laundry and the lingerie of the Hospital Puerta del Mar.

5. And the last question is... If you have to summarise your carrear in one sentence, what would it be?

Continuous consistency and improvement

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