domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

The Turkey Corner

Welcome to my blog! Today, we are going to talk about a really nice repice, a kebab! And, to talk about it, we have created a program called... The Turkey Corner!!

Well, now I am going to comment some things that are not in the video.

One of them is how the kitchen was after cooking. It was... well... it wasn't as clean as I remember... When they left the house, I had to clean it all!! My partners say that it wasn't dirty... Don't trust them!!

Another one is the outtakes. Like Miguel, for example, that said "frigo" instead of "fridge", or when Blanca didn't cover the cook machina... If Miguel wasn't be fast... I wouldn't be here.

I think that's all. In my opinion, I think that the work was awesome and we didn't discuss nothing at all.